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Response to the article in the Telegraph 25/5/21

Updated: Jun 1, 2021

Long Covid Kids don't have a press office, or even funds to pay someone to release press releases for us but whenever we can we will always try to respond to misleading articles. is a UK-based, international patient-led advocacy and support group for families and guardians of children with #LongCovid .Our groups story started with a short film on long-lasting symptoms of Covid in children and we now support research and advocate for preventative measures in schools. We are working on The Long Covid Kids Study with PeopleWith

Sammie Mcfarland is the Founder of Long Covid Kids. She has a special interest in reducing the impact of chronic long-term health on children.

Frances Simpson is the Co Founder of Long Covid Kids. She is lecturer in Psychology and Counselling at Coventry University (SC.) Fran has a special interest in the neurological impact of COVID infection on children.

Both founders have Long Covid, and have children ill with Long Covid since March 2020.

If your child experiences any symptoms that indicates they are unwell, it COULD be COVID-19, and you should get them a test to help identify if it is a current Covid infection. Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

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