
Donate today to help us support children to thrive and look forward to a positive future.

Find out how we will use your donation?
Raising awareness and early intervention can improve health and learning outcomes for children and young people.
We aim to provide families and healthcare professionals and schools with appropriate educational materials.
We want to reduce stigma, support and educate.
We want to provide the facts clearly in multiple languages so families can make informed decisions about their health.
To continue to improve the support services we offer, we hope to engage;
Youth workers
Play Therapists
Occupational Therapists
We run regional meet-ups in local communities to enable families to connect, and kids can meet each other in person. We would like to offer training and resources.
Long Covid Kids are keen to support coproduced paediatric biomedical research.
We understand how important it is that of children and young people inform research.
We hope to improve opportunities for our members, and our youth advisory panel and fund research on the long-term impact of Long Covid on children and young people and their families at home and in education.
The Long Covid Kids team won't give up on our campaigning for improved indoor air quality.
We would be thrilled to be able to support schools to achieve this to reduce future risk of transmission and disease.
We would like to provide educational materials and information packs to help communities reduce their risk.
Other ways to donate and fundraise
Send a cheque
Payable to;
Long Covid Kids & Friends
Our registered address is;
Fletcher & Partners
Crown Chambers
Bridge Street
Long Covid Kids and Friends
CAF Cash Account: 00034828
Sort Code: 40-52-40
IBAN: GB28CAFB40524000034828
We have found an easy fundraising idea, that won't cost you anything extra. LCK is a volunteer-led, non-profit organisation, which means that every penny really counts.
Easy Fundraising has partnerships with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend on their website to a cause of your choice. It won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand. Remember to allow the reminder pop-up that will let you know when you are on a site that makes a donation!

Thank you
for your support every little helps